Coffee Chat: Being the Person You Want to Be

So often I get wrapped up in ideas of what I want to be. I make unattainable goals for myself and then get disappointed when I don’t reach them. I thought this would be an interesting thing to talk about since I know I’m not the only person who wants to change themselves sometimes.

So heres my question, should we change ourselves to be the person we want to be or should we be happy the way we are, or should we take a middle route and fix what we think is fixable and learn to love things that aren’t? Let me know what you think!


Inspiring Humans: Shawn Achor

Another inspiring human I found on TED, Shawn Achor is a positive psychology researcher and speaker. In the world of psychology, something new is being discovered everyday. While I think it’s great that so much is being learned about the human mind and different metal disorders, it can sometimes feel overwhelmingly negative and unhopeful for the future. Achor, however, is a new light in this world. His collaboration with TED, which I will leave below, shines light on the fact that our current systems (education,medical,etc.) are formulated to produce average, nothing more or less.Read More »