Last night while scrolling through posts I saw that I had just hit 50 followers! I’ve only been on WordPress for 2 months and I have met so many amazing people and have seen so many awesome blogs. It’s been so great to join this community and I can’t wait to see what else is in store for my blog. 50 people may seem small to some, but to me this is so exciting- because that’s 50 individuals who are reading what I write!

I wanted to thank everyone following me and everyone who has given me advice, you all truly inspire me! I started my blog, and I continue to use my blog as a way to connect to people, but also to explore myself and who I am. I come to my blog when I’m stressed and I find that writing posts or reading other peoples’ blogs makes me a much happier!

If anyone has advice for new bloggers, please leave it in the comments! Every piece I can get is greatly appreciated. Also, I love findingΒ new blogs to follow and be inspired by, so leave your blog in the comments so I can check yours out and follow you too!

Again, thank you so much for your support! Stay groovy,


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